Wearables / IoT
- Fearing the quantified life - privacy, data and wearable devices, TheNextWeb
- How to construct 'smart' sites through wearables and data science, Construction DIVE
- Recruiting goes wearable, Recruiter Magazine
- Mapping the quantified life with wearables, Wearable Tech Watch
- Wearables are the HR tool of the future - today, HR Zone
- Wearable tech: a victim of its own hype? CNBC
- Wearables: Untethering games from the living room, Develop
- Fifty years of research shows Americans trailing on wearable technology acceptance, Factor Magazine
Augmented and Virtual Reality
- Elvis Lives! The Impact of Holograms on the Music Industry. Ad Week
- How to unite physical and digital retail, Talk Retail
- Bridging the divide between bricks and mortar & online, MWB
- It's now easier for David to take on Goliath, The Drum
- Marketers Should Talk Less, Design More, Media Post
Context, AI & Robotics
- Google partnering with Foxconn to Test Industrial Robots, Singularity Hub
- Sisters bet robotics will plant seeds for STEM careers, Computer World UK
- Google I/O and the Push for Better Context, Hubspot
- Google and robots: The Real reasons behind the shopping spree, Tech Republic
- I, Fashion Robot, Fellt
- How the weather is set to flood adland with opportunities, MediaTel
Privacy & Trust
- Bricks and mortar retailers snooping more on shoppers too, The Economist
- ‘This is the era of consequences. Be real or be rejected’, The Drum
- Google and Privacy: 6 EU countries take action.
- Microsoft Rankles Advertisers With Web User-Privacy Plan, Bloomberg
- French ISP revives debate on 'free Internet'. DW
- Google, Microsoft develop new ways to snoop on you, Market Watch
- Customers in control: a personal data revolution, Information Age
- Facebook's ad revenue might have surged, but it has work to do to satisfy marketers, The Drum
- How Dangerous is social media oversharing? MarketWatch
Audio and Video
- Ten years of iTunes transformation, 2013, The Times
- MySpace must dial up volume to recover user love, Marketing Week
- Data scientists can strengthen partnerships by sharing knowledge with clients, IT Channel Expert
- Knowing what knowledge to share in data science, IT Pro Portal
- Fighting for the digital future, What does the explosion of digital marketing mean for the IT industry? Information Age
- Scots trail in technology investment, Tech Radar
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RT @sheldonpress: Know someone living with a mild traumatic brain injury, or post-concussion syndrome? At long last, a complete manu…
Check out my latest article: Natural Language Technologies (NLT)- where we got to in 2020 and where we are going ne…
The essential Market Guide for Speech-to-Text Solutions is out. Understand the market, it's evolution and what key…
Gartner apps summit about to kick off in Vegas. Just keeps getting bigger. Come catch my session on Knowledge in th…
There are no shortage of Natural Language Tech providers out there. If you are one then check this research led by…